- User GuideNote: You can click the [HELP!] button on the main screen for a small popup version of this guide. This can be viewed at the same time you use the formatter. Suggest you click the <back button on your browser and do this now.
- Copy text from your mail or browser
select by dragging mouse, then hit ctrl-C- Paste text in MailFormat window
place cursor in window, delete unwanted text, hit ctrl-V- Hit button for operation you want (see below)
- Repeat operations until desired result
- Copy text from MailFormat window (see #1 above)
- Paste new text into mail or other window (see #2)
- Clean up Forwards / Replies
- remove > >> or similar...
- un-dangle wrapped >> lines...
- more indent / reply level...
- Clean up Text from the Web
- less indent...
- change word wrap...
- Convenience Features
- smaller screen (window) size
- make a shortcut to MailFormat